State Route 85 Bridge Replacement

Manchester, GA
The SR 85 bridge replacement is a critical infrastructure update, aimed at improving connectivity and safety for both the local area and the broader transportation network in Georgia.
The Georgia Department of Transportation selected Lowe Engineers for the design and survey of this bridge replacement project. The project was completed under a larger batch contract for bridge replacements. The purpose of the project was to provide a new bridge that meets safety requirements at SR 85 over the CSX Railroad, in the City of Manchester, GA. The new structure replaces the existing bridge which had a sufficiency rating of 31.49. The total length of the project is approximately 0.2 miles with an off-site detour being utilized. The project also experienced Section 4f documentation within the historic district of downtown Manchester including the bridge structure itself.
Deliverables for the project included topographic surveys, property database, right-of-way staking, centerline staking, and other deliverables. For our personnel safety and to save GDOT time and money, our 3D Laser scanner was used to collect survey data at several locations considering the challenges of the existing CSX railyard with active train schedules all day long. The scanner was also utilized in other areas to expedite the delivery time of the field activities. Conventional survey techniques were completed on the remaining areas within the project limits.