nancy creek spillway steambank restoration

Brookhaven, GA
Nancy Creek is a vital part of the local ecosystem, and streambank restoration projects aim to balance flood management, environmental sustainability, and community recreation, ensuring that it remains a valuable natural resource for the area.
In 2018, the City of Brookhaven was awarded a 2017 Georgia EPD 319(h) Water Quality Cost-Share Grant of $300,000 with a 50%+ match from the City for 800 linear feet of stream restoration on a major tributary to Nancy Creek. Lowe staff were responsible for managing the project from inception (i.e., grant application) to post-construction monitoring. They attended the Georgia EPD grant opening meeting, were in constant communication with EPD staff, and played key roles in the selection of projects from two major watershed studies that fit the grant application, scope development, and initial cost estimation. Lowe was also involved in negotiating the final scope of work for the cost-share grant contract between the City and EPD, preparation of design procurement documents, and managing the solicitation of a design consultant. In addition, they managed quarterly and annual project reporting, submitting pay applications for reimbursements, public meetings, and involvement, procurement of the design professional and construction contractor, temporary and permanent construction and maintenance easement acquisition, as well as construction management and inspection.